
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

almost 1/3 of the way there

I had my 4th chemo round today, so I am almost a third done, I still have the pump on so in 2 days I will be done with 4th treatment. 

It was interesting today to say the least.  I had some chest pain last time with the pump on followed by a few days of heart palpitations.  I wanted to make sure the Nurse knew this so I told them and now if the symptoms reoccur they want me to come in.  Also they gave me something to prevent it.

I also had another allergic reaction with a rash on my chest and back.  This is common and a lot of chemo patients get benadryl as a premed drug but I have huge issues with benadryl in the IV form.  They wanted to give it to me but I ended up getting xanax instead and a pill form of benadryl.  The IV benadryl just hits me so hard, last time they said they gave me a low dose and I literally felt like i was levitating.  Some people might think that would be cool, but anyone who knows i haven't done one drug in my life or smoked anything knows I do not enjoy out of body experiences or anything like that!

Wish me luck with these next few days!


  1. We give oral Benadryl with some of our treatments, and Xanax is good stuff to reduce anxiety along with other symptoms, so I hope it helped! Woo-hoo, a quarter of the way done!!

  2. Fingers crossed for minimal side effects this time. Quarter of the way there, yes!

  3. Does that mean that your next treatment is on Christmas or are they giving you the treatment on another day? Hope you can postpone it one day to enjoy Christmas :/

  4. Yikes, that sounds uncomfortable to say the least! How did the bill Benadryl and Xanax go, hopefully a little easier for you? Maybe this will be more like the 2nd round, a bit easier. Fingers crossed!!!!!
