
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Only way out is through

One of my aunts has started compiling little daily readings for a book she is writing.  She sent me a few of them the other day and one of them I found so fitting to my situation, I asked her if I could post it on here.  The below is something I go through every day, asking myself how I got here and accepting where I am.  I wanted to share it with all of you in hopes I can be better about following the idea of acceptance and surrender, open awareness and compassion.  I loved the title of her reading that states "The only way out is through".

“Why me?” “Why this?” “What did I do to deserve this?” These pleadings are to no avail as all are unworkable. Yet, even here, we can practice open awareness and self compassion. Even here, if we are enduring, attentive and endeavor to recognize our pain and fear, the light will come. In the dark we cannot see and cannot know what is out there in the great expanse of timelessness and uncertainty. By being still, fully encountering and opening our fearful hearts as we contemplate the abyss we can discover a small beacon to light the way. The only path out is to travel through. To surrender to what is, to say, “Even this, I can accept and allow.” -Carolee Lindsey


  1. I think that's a great way to look at struggles and it can apply to the daily grind or much bigger climbs like that which you are facing, Leah. Very insightful and hopeful!

  2. Beautiful poem! Thinking of you at today's scan.

  3. Beautiful. Did Carolee write this? Thinking of you every day. Love, Aunt Nancy
