
Sunday, January 26, 2014

runnin runnin

I have held true with my new years resolution of juicing every day and exercising daily. Well my brother juices a lot for me and so does Bryan so I should give them some credit!   I actually started running again, and it feels great. I am only doing 2 miles and I'm very slow but it is still nice to work up a sweat. I feel so good on my off weeks and so awful on my chemo weeks. I am dreading tomorrow!

I have a drainage scheduled for tomorrow before chemo.  I really don't think they will think there is enough there to drain but it is worth a try.  This is my last treatment I will be getting at the Faulkner center.  They are closing and after this I will have to go to the actual Dana Farber center that is a little bit further into Boston.  This other one allowed us to miss some traffic, too bad they are closing.  I will miss my chemo nurse.  I will continue to see the same Dr. though.

Our cruise is getting closer and we are getting very excited! I am going to talk to the Dr about how often I can skip a week between treatments just for something to look forward to.  It is a little expensive to keep going on cruises although wouldn't that be nice!

I am on chemo indefinitely, so not having a count down or a light at the end of the tunnel is very daunting and depressing.  I am fortunate enough that I have these good days in between but also know that this chemo will not work forever. Eventually the cancer will build up an immunity to it and they will have to try something else that might not leave me feeling so good on the off times.  The Dr said the average for this chemo is a year for it keep working, so I am hoping I can go that long.  I just can't imagine any other type leaving me feeling this good in between.

I need to register my daughter for Kindergarten in the next month and it just blows my mind.  For one, I can't believe shes turning 5 in a week or so and that she's going to be going to kindergarten but also I don't know how long I will be around to see her in school and anything regarding the distant future always puts me in a sad mood of just not knowing.  I always think of how I could just be killed in a car accident and not have this prognosis but just go suddenly with no warning.  I don't know if it's better to have some kind of warning like I have or not.  It certainly makes me appreciate life more and every moment with my kids.  I cherish every minute that I feel good and that I can hold them and that I can spend with my family and I don't think I would have been so present in each moment if I weren't given this prognosis.  Here's looking at the positive right?


  1. When time permits, add Life Coach to your resume. There is a lesson in courage, class and compassion in every one of your blog entries. I hope that you somehow feel the enormous amount of pride we take in being your friends. I hope your cruise is everything you imagined it would be ( they had me when I found out that you could have dessert delivered poolside). We check in on you daily and think of you more often than that.

  2. You are amazing about the exercise thing, well, and in general of course! I hope you have a great time on your trip and I can't wait to see some pictures. Learning to be present in each moment is a gift in and of itself. I think too often we let other things get in the way of that, so if nothing else, the clarity you now have about what is important and what is not, is a very positive thing indeed.

  3. Well once again you are amazing in your outlook. You looked radiant at the Benefit. My husband said to me she does not even look sick. I replyed don't let the positive attitude and aura fool you, but she does look amazing. Keep on doing what you are doing because God is obviously following you around pushing you on to be that one in a million. Your children and family are very lucky to have you in their lives.

  4. Do you realize how many people you have persuaded to "live in the moment"? Don't you see dear lady, how many of US you have TAUGHT that single most valuable lesson?

    YOU are our inspiration and I thank you for you showing me what living a life really means Leah.

    Kindergarten!!! Oh come on, you were pregnant with Elly like 5 minutes ago???

    Enjoy all that comes with that milestone!

    Hugs and everything else,
