
Thursday, October 16, 2014

An extra week off

So I thought I'd be feeling better than I do this week being off chemo an extra week.  I am exhausted and dreading going in on Monday.  I try to get all my errands done and take care of everything I need to knowing ill be in bed all next week.

The weather has been so nice, being so warm out especially after a cold weekend away.  I am dreading the winter!  I am already planning a trip to Arizona!

I have a fun weekend planned with a wedding friday and I'm taking Elly to see Cinderella Saturday with friends.  Sunday before chemo is always hard for me, so pray for me that day if you can.


  1. I will be praying. I pray a lot for you. I ask God all the time to heal you.

  2. Have fun at the wedding today! Lots of AZ love always being sent your way! Look forward to seeing you in December!!


  3. thoughts and prayers always....keep smiling..
