
Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'm Home

Discharge went as planned yesterday and I was home by late afternoon.  I am working with the visiting nurse to figure out a new schedule for the pain medicine and and figuring out how to get comfortable in my new bed.  I did have a good night last night which was my goal, so I'm happy about that.  I spent the evening visiting with family.


  1. I'm glad you're home and had a good night. Lots of love to you. ❤️

  2. So glad you are home, Leah. And happy for you that the pain is finally being controlled. I'm sorry that you had to get through so much pain to get there. Hope you enjoy every moment you can with your family.

  3. So happy you are home with your family. It is so nice that you are surrounded by love. The children are truly blessed with you Leah! i continue to pray - I went out for a long walk today and prayed for you.

    Love, Doreen

  4. I just thanked God for you and for the good night sleep you had last night. May you be blessed with another. You truly are special Leah! I'm so glad you are my sister in Christ!

    I Love You,


  5. I am so glad to hear you made it home. Kiss and hug those babies as much as you can. Try to sleep well tonight so that you have strength to love on them again tomorrow.
    Love, Missy

  6. It's wonderful you were able to sleep well in your own home. We had a time of prayer for you tonight in our little church group. I pray that peace with God and the peace of God will be with you and your lovely family. Blessings in Christ, Jan

  7. Yay for home, yay for sleep, yay for family! I pray there are more great days ahead! :)

  8. Leah, it's so wonderful that you are sleeping comfortably, at home and surrounded by family. Your sheer remarkable-ness is matched only by the abundance of strength, love and caring that has flowed from you and to you during this difficult journey, and continues to do so. Thank you for sharing yourself so intimately on this blog over the past year or so. On both the good days and bad days your words have made a lasting impression. Likewise, I have no doubt that whatever words you and Bryan choose when sitting down with Elly and Drew will be Exactly Right.
    Thinking hard about you and your family today. And in the days to come. Warm thoughts and blessings to you all. You are all remarkable. Linn

  9. Leah, I'm so happy you are home and feeling more comfortable! Peace and love to you, Bryan and the kids. -Dani

  10. Filled with Joy you are Home with Family!

  11. so happy you are in the "comforts" of your own home…. praying the pain stays under control for you….God Bless You

  12. so very happy to hear that you are more comfortable. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.... please let us know if there is anything we can do!


  13. Thinking of you everyday and sending you positive thoughts. Wishing comfort and peace. Hugs, emmy

  14. Hi Leah,
    Hoping that you are still comfortable and able to enjoy your family and friends.


  15. Thinking of you and your family! Xo
    Love brenna

  16. Leah you are so amazing and strong and you are a wonderful mother to your beautiful children. I think about you often. Sending love and wishing you comfort.

  17. Leah - You and your family are in my thoughts. I think about you and your courage very often. Sending you comfort. Robin Alderman

  18. Thinking of you, Linn
