
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Happy Sad

I am happy to say that I am going home today baring any unforeseen circumstances that prevent me from being discharged around 1:00 PM today.  I can't wait to be home, even though I will not be sleeping in my own bed.  Hospice has delivered a bed for me.  Our plan is to have an honest talk with our children this weekend, or in the near future, and that will be the most difficult thing.  

On Wednesday they drained 2.5 liters and put in a semi permanent drain. Thursday I had the  Celiac Plexus Block procedure.  They do not use general anesthisa for either procedures so I was awake the whole time.   Both procedures were very painful, and I won't be doing that again.

The goal is to keep me comfortable, which doesn't sound like a bad one, does it?  I feel like my pain is under control, whether that is attributed to the drugs or the procedures, I will take it.


  1. So glad to hear you are headed home! And wonderful that you are having some relief from pain, that is thrilling news. I'm sure nobody knows the perfect words for you to use with the children, Leah, but I am sure whatever you say will be done with such love and care and good intent, and they will feel that.

  2. I'm glad you're coming home and that you're pain is under control. But I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family. I wish I could help you. Please know you're loved.

  3. I love you Leah.. Thinking and praying for you. Love Brenna

  4. Leah.....I'm glad they were able to manage your pain so that you could go home and be with your family! Thinking of you always. :)

  5. Leah - your attitude is amazing. I think of you and pray for you often. It will be painful for you to tell the kids but with you and Brian alone with them to tell them - it will be something all will be able to process. I will be praying for you all during this time. I know this is a hard time - I have not talked a ton to you but I want you to know that I care. Keep smiling Leah - for your smile is wonderful.

    Love, Doreen

  6. I am happy to hear that they were able to get your pain under control and you can go home. Sending you lots of love as you navigate this difficult time.

  7. My Dear Sister - I'm thankful you are home and your pain is under control. Our heavenly Father will give you the words to say to Ellie and Drew. Being in Christ, full of hope for eternal life, helps immensely in such very difficult times as these. My heart and prayers are with you.

    I Love You,


  8. Leah...I am so glad you are home! We are sending many caring and compassionate thoughts to you and Bryan as you talk with Ellie and Drew. Love and support continue to flow in your direction always and forever! We love you to the moon and back! Love always, Chris, Krista, Clare & Emma

  9. I am glad that you are home and spending time with your family.

    Mary Jo

  10. Leah
    We are thinking and praying for you.
    with love
    the Phelps family

  11. Leah, just want you to know that you and your family are in our constant prayers. May God grant you peace and serenity and may the love of your family and friends bring you comfort. Thinking of you----Steve, Jennifer, Chris and Alyssa
