
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Trying to love it

I continue to have an infection in my port. I was, fortunately, able to get chemo today through it. the dr put me on a new antibiotic and we are hoping it goes away soon.
  Unfortunately all of my side effects seem to have intensified this time. I have the daggers in my throat and I can't touch anything cold with any part of my body including exposure to the cold air on my face. My calves continue to ache really bad when I walk. I also somehow have managed to partially dislodge my pump connection to my port and the visiting nurse should be by shortly to help me with that. Overall I am nervous about the days to come and hoping I can continue to do walks outside but I might have to go to a treadmill where it's warm!


  1. Love the picture ... You are so cute!

  2. The treadmill is a great idea!! Maybe your mom will get you one for Christmas ;)

  3. Hang in there kiddo!!! This too shall pass. You will get through this. Lot of us here rooting for you!!!


  4. Leah I have a treadmill that you can come over and use anytime you are interested. I will give you a key to my house. You can go there in peace and quiet and turn the music or tv on and run or walk to your content. We have a visit on Friday with my cheerleaders so we can talk about it there. Let me know!

  5. Hoping the antibiotics get the job done and that the next few days pass quickly for you! Stay warm!

  6. Hi there,

    I'm sorry I haven't been around to visit, all of us are battling colds and have been for awhile. I didn't want to get your little ones sick.... I wrote a poem for you that I would like to share.

    Think of cancer as a life phase that helps you grow and heal.
    The health and spirit of our mind and body will react in how you feel.

    So try not to be anxious or sad but be happy and strong,
    for the bad cells won’t live in that environment,
    in a place they don’t belong.

    I have not lived by example, I have only recently grown through your eyes.
    You have made me a better person, and I believe that God is always by our side.
    My Dad said live each day as a blessing and I’ll admit with regret,
    I haven’t told you my good friend that you are Amazing;
    You’ve got this beat, don’t forget!!!!!!

    You were given the gift of knowing and with Heaven’s gift of love,
    your body and mind will heal completely from all the prayers sent up above.
    Keep my number on speed dial so that if you need a giggle or a smile,
    I’m sending hugs and luvvins your way along with all of my prayers for awhile.

    Take this time to enjoy your family & friends and give your body and mind a rest.
    This is the beginning of a new journey, a time to reach for YOUR personal best.
    This new journey will give you more power, a new beginning, a renew.
    As you have said on your blog, “Anything is possible with God”, as I also believe to be true.



  7. Your too funny Leah. Very cute picture!!! Even through all this you still have a great sense of humor. I hope your infection gets better quickly :( and that in the coming days you feel better. :) Always thinking of you....and I think it's your turn ;) lol

  8. UGH, sorry to hear about the infection and the problems with the port. You are a real trooper! I love your smile!!

  9. 25 You shall serve the Lord your God, and I[a] will bless your bread and your water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of you. EX 23:25

    Sorry to hear about your set backs with the infection Our hopes are that you continue to improve and recover and to be fully enabled to use the gifts and talents that are in your life to fulfill the purpose and plan that God has for you! Keep the faith sister!


  10. Leah, you continue to inspire us all with your strength and amazing attitude. You are going to kick this cancer in the butt! I am so sorry I haven't been by in person to visit, but that doesn't mean that I don't always think about you and keep you in my prayers.

