
Friday, May 16, 2014

More on clinical trial

It was helpful to meet with the clinical trial oncologist today.  It sounds like if I really wanted to and I qualified I could possibly get started on it in 6 weeks or so.  It of course has its own side effects (which are not all known, that's part of the  point of the phase 1 trial is to document side effects).  If they can't get my symptoms under control from chemo this sounds like a good option.  This dr said that since I'm on the full strength chemo, they should reduce the dosage to see if that helps.  I am definitely going to request the reduction on Monday.

The dr is hopeful about the trial but since it has its own side effects and of course we don't know if it will work, it seems to make sense to stick with trying to make the chemo mnageable.  I have my off week where I feel pretty good so I could lose that on the trial and possibly feel crummy a lot of the time.  Although she did mention that nausea and vomiting were not symptoms she expects me to experience on the trial.

So I guess we will see how next week goes and I will be in touch with her to tell her if I want to do it as soon as possible or just keep my name on the List for when my chemo stops working or becomes unmanageable.  Also the longer the trial goes on the higher the dosage of the drugs so it might be better to wait until the dosage is higher to have it be more effective.


  1. I hope whatever decision you make that you feel much better soon! :)

  2. Leah,
    I am glad that you at least now have options. And, for now, I hope the motion sickness patch helps.
    Happy to hear that you had a good week.
