
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Colonoscopy tomorrow 8/15

I have my colonoscopy tomorrow, I have to be there at 7:45 i think procedure is at 8:15.  Please pray for my anxiety and that they don't have trouble with my veins as they won't be using my port.  Also please pray that the medicine to sedate me works as I have had trouble with it in the past.  I am also of course worried about the results!

Also I did find out that the women's shirts come in XXL.  Also I forgot to mention that the women's shirts are V-neck style. I would like to place an order early next week for these.  Many of you have told me you want one but haven't placed an order so please do ASAP!


  1. I'm guessing that without chemo, but WITH running, your veins will stand up like champs!

  2. I would like a large one Leah if it is not too late! Kiki
