
Sunday, October 13, 2013

terminally ill

What is it like to live every day knowing that you have a disease that at this point in time, is likely going to take over your body and take your life?  I am not sure yet.  Last year when I was diagnosed I was sure that I could beat this and that by now I would have had my life back, but such is not the case.  I always go through the what ifs but I don't know that I'd be in any different place than I am now, and so therefore it is a moot point and shouldn't have my time and energy wasted on it. 

I do believe in miracles, I see them every day.  I get letters in the mail with people whose lives I have effected in the hugest way because of what I'm going through and how I'm handling it, those are all little miracles.  I believe in acceptance and hope and those are a tough balance.

I have two little miracles say "good morning mommy" every day and if those amongst the others are the only miracles I'm meant to have in this life then so be it.  I  said to my pastor the other day that perhaps God created cancer as a way to bring us all home.  When you are suffering like I am, you can't help but imagine that there has to be more to our lives than just our time here on Earth.  I am not saying I'm giving up, like I said I have hope but I also have acceptance. 

I continue to get heart felt letters, prayers, cards, emails, texts and it's all what keeps me going.  I haven't really been able to talk on the phone much, a little too emotional, but these other means of communication are very therapeutic for me and I greatly appreciate them all.  I apologize I am not being very good about responding but I am tired, and sick and don't have much energy.

I did have a paracentisis Friday (drainage of fluid) and was able to have a decent day yesterday.  I spent a lot of time out in the sun, although I have to be laying down most of the time beause of my nausea.  I have been able to go on very small walks with breaks in the middle but I'm trying to get out when I can, although I really don't feel up for much.


  1. thoughts and prayers are with you on your difficult journey..

  2. As a minister for many years I have witnessed the comings and goings of this life and like you,Leah, have come to the realization that this time is but a moment of our real lives. Your comment really was helpful for me personally to remember this. Thank you


  3. Adorable Leah,

    I am so happy to see your words, to feel your honest and intimate thoughts, to connect with your positive and accepting spirit. You move me like no other.

    While we've never met (face to face), we do share a togetherness through our mutual friends and all those on this blog. So I'm blessed to get to know you through you--and (y)our friends... heart and soul. That makes me warm all over.

    Your words and that picture of you and your daughter.... Oh... be still my heart. What more can we say?!

    I am grateful to you for allowing us to share in this back and forth. Keep your faith and embrace the positive possibilities--we're sending you a bunch special delivery.

    I'm getting to know you a lot better and I am honored by your openness and the intimacy of your deepest and most private thoughts shared with us.

    It gets lonely when we don't have a little Leah tidbit to run and ruminate with! Just receiving your touch through your words makes me so happy...pardon my rambling.

    So, take this Leah Ploutz! Here are a ton more hugs for now and and a ton more for later. Please note that these are high tech hugs, adjustable so they feel just right--not too tight, but gentle tight, depending on how sensitive you feel.

    xoxo Mark & crew

  4. Oh, Leah...I've been trying to think what to write since yesterday. I'm not very good at being able to express what is in my heart. Like your friend said, words are not really what I want to send. But words can contain truth and it is so important to hold onto truth. Our emotions take us all over the place; God did make us with emotions. But He gave us truth to anchor us. What is truth? Jesus said...I am the way, the truth, and the life. And in Romans 8:38 "I am SURE that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor nothing else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." I continue to pray for that miracle, I continue to pray for the strength and grace and courage you have shown through this trial to grow even more. Love you, Leah! Jan

  5. Oh Leah,
    I truly believe that this life is only a small piece of what our souls experience. I believe that time is not linear as we measure it, but cyclical without a beginning or an end. Why some people, good people like you, have to suffer so, is a question that noone can answer. I do believe, however; that it has got to be just a fleeting moment in the span of a soul's journey.
    You certainly have given me and I'm sure everyone who knows you or reads your blogs, a tremendous gift. With your courage and grace, you have shared your journey and taught us how to face challenges. I will never be the same. I don't personally know you well, Leah, but I promise you, you have changed my life in a profound way. How many people have that legacy? To have been able to touch others' lives and positively change how they view life?
    I thank you, again for continuing to share your journey.


  6. Dear Leah, you are one of the strongest and nicest people I have met in my life and I feel very lucky for this. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us all but its how we handle them that really defines who we truly are. How you continue on with faith, hope, and love is an ispiration for anyone who feels they have it tough in any way. Life may be busy but you are always on my mind, in my thoughts, and in my prayers. "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death". ~Author Unknown
    Love you Leah, Debbie L

  7. Leah, you are a blessing to so many...I just love you to pieces. You have a way of seeing the humor in everyday things and I love to share something funny with you. I've always loved your honesty and thoughtfulness of others. What wonderful traits for your children to experience. Colleen

  8. Leah, you are so incredibly brave and our hearts ache for you and what you are going through. Your children are little miracles that have inherited your wonderful sweetness and kind soul. You have taught us to live in the moment more and to enjoy the little blessings. Thank-you for that. We want you to know that you and your family have become one of our most cherished blessings. With all of our love and prayers, Judy, Drew, Hadley and Paige

  9. Leah,
    I took a few days to think about what I wanted to say to you! As you know I am a talker and words just to say them are not what you probably need right now! God is giving us a beautiful day Saturday and beautiful people to spend it with! If we see you that will be great but if you are not up to making a guest appearance I hope you feel the energy around 3:30 because we will be sending many balloons of hope up to the heavens to support you in this most difficult time. Know that many people in your community are walking in support of you and other loved ones! Be brave and continue your FIGHT LIKE A GIRL as the saying goes. I will drop a tee shirt off at your house today and leave it on the front porch. I will text when it arrives! With prayers in my heart! Deb V
