
Sunday, February 24, 2013

day by day

I can't really get excited yet that there are only 3 more treatments.  It sounds so daunting when I'm in the middle of everything even though I know it's not much left.  I still have to just get through each day.  My hair does in fact continue to grow despite what I thought a while ago but it is falling out like crazy which is discouraging.  I don't think its that noticeable yet and maybe it will stop but it is probably a third of what I had before all of this.

This last treatment really wiped me out, I had one good day and the rest weren't so much.  Hopefully this coming week won't be too exhausting so I can rest up!

I have such amazing people in my life to be thankful for.  I have my amazing husband and my mom here with me to help with everything.  AND Monday through Friday one of my cousins, friends or someone from church comes to help with the kids for bedtime and dinner time.  We still have 3 meals brought to us each week through the pastor and his wife, our neighborhood and people at work.  Our amazing neighbors next door have babysat countless times for us and we have to force them to take payment, which usually doesn't work.  They have allowed Bryan and I to have much needed date afternoons where we can go try and be a normal couple. Thank you to everyone who makes my life easier through this time with meals, babysitting and friendship!


  1. I'm so happy you have such a great support network! I hope the next three treatments pass by quickly.

  2. I hope next week's treatments aren't as rough as this past one.
    I am so glad we able to help in some way. I wish we could help fight the cancer itself for you, but at least we can help so that you can focus on that fight.

  3. Leah,
    Please know that as much as you draw from the comments left by friends and family, we too draw from your positive energy. You inspire me to look deep inside and reach for the encouraging words and feelings that pull me through a bad day. As you journey along this path remember when things are most difficult God will carry you through. You are loved by many and you touch so many more with your words!

  4. Through your journey Leah, you have shown many of us what it is like to summon real courage, "day by day".

    You are an inspiration to many sweet lady.

