
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Surgery update

Leah is staying the night at the hospital since the surgery was later in the day.  The preliminary pathology showed that it was metastasized colon cancer on/in her left ovary.  Although this was not the news we wanted to hear today, there are several positivies: the ovary and surrounding ovarian cysts were removed without difficulty or complications, there were no signs of cancer anywhere else in her abdomen, and her colon looked "pristine."  Leah should be going home tomorrow.


  1. Glad to hear some positives. Love you guys!!

  2. Thank you for sharing the positives ... Positives are good. (Hugs)

  3. Have a speedy recovery Leah, you'll be back running miles in no time! It seems like this cancer found the only place it could hide (some studies have shown that ovaries can be a sanctuary for cancer during chemo) and you bravely went to battle once again and kicked it's butt outta there!

  4. Very good to hear that Leah will be going home today!

    The good news is wonderful and so is her "pristine colon"!

    Send her hugs from Cape Cod!

  5. I will pile on the sentiment that positives are good, and it's also good to have the good news be fairly concrete, i.e. I know you have been frustrated when you get different/murky opinions/differing opinions etc.

    Your strength is awesome.

    Best wishes, cares and prayers continuing...
