
Friday, July 12, 2013


Well we had a great vacation!  First to Bryan's dads retirement party then onto Bryan's family's vacation place in the adirondack mountains.  We met some nice people and it was good to get away and spend time with family.  Bryan's mom and stepdad were there all week and then His dad and stepmom came up for our last night.

Unfortunately my symptoms seem to have gotten worse so I'm seeing my GI dr Tuesday and hoping to move up my colonoscopy to a closer date.

 On a positive note I had the most amazing vegan meals while I was gone.  The place we stayed at serves breakfast and dinner and they are traditional meat based American dinners.  I requested vegan food and got the best meals!  I did not miss the usual chicken and biscuits or turkey dinner that used to be my favorite. My favorite vegan meal was last nights sweet potato and red pepper quesadillas!

I think the best part of the vacation was the experience of being surrounded by people that I don't know and don't know anything about me and my cancer.  Normally this would not be the ideal situation I would feel comfortable being in.   I only talked to one person long enough for it to come up in conversation and share my story.  It was a weird feeling because there are lots of young families with kids that all seemed so happy.  I mean you're on vacation and your meals are being made for you, dishes are being done for you and you can wake up and walk down a short hill to the lake and beach, what more is there to ask for.  Bryan has been going there since he was in utero and it is his sanctuary.  Thankfully he seems willing to share his fortress of solitude and as this year was my 8th year going I found it to be very therapeutic as well. I would sit at the beach and wonder what everyone else had to deal with in their lives this past year.  Maybe they had a similar battle and survived to come here and we all deserve this week, these moments of time to relax.  It surprisingly seemed easy to escape from my head and body and just breath for a while without my cancer following me.

Back to reality at home I face a scan this coming week and hopefully a colonoscopy soon (never thought I'd say those words).  My life is not a vacation nor will it ever be, but neither is yours.  All we can do is take what we are given and  just keep living.


  1. What a beautiful post Leah! I'm glad you had a wonderful week. It really looks like a beautiful and peaceful place. And I love all the pictures!!!

  2. So glad you had a wonderful and well-deserved vacation! I'll be home Monday night ,,, can't wait to see you.

  3. You continue to amaze me. Glad you were as relaxed as possiable on your trip. Lots of love and I will be thinking of you this week. Xoxoxo

  4. So poetic. You are amazing, and I admire your strength and wisdom. Sending you lots of love!!!!!

  5. Glad you were able to go and relax, Leah! I will be thinking of you this week.

    P. S. You should make cards with those pictures, how gorgeous!

  6. I am so happy that you had such a memorable and relaxing week with your family. Everyone needs a mental health break so that they can deal with lifes challenges. You embrace your family time and that is always the best medicine. Wishing you much luck with your test this week. As always in our prayers.

  7. Lovely reading this post today! What a great vacation and I hope that you really escaped for a few days!!!

    Big hugs!
