
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pawtucket Oncologist Appointment

Today we met with the oncologist, Howard Safran, in Pawtucket next to Miriam hospital. I felt like it was a better visit overall. He was more positive than the other Dr. and was also concerned about the Lung. He doesn't think I need radiation, but wants to conuslt with a radiation oncologist to make a final decision. He wants to get a PET scan to get a better idea if the nodule on the lung is cancer or not. This can identify if it is cancer but if the nodule is too small the test will not give us a definitive answer of it being cancerous or not. I will be getting the 6 months of chemo every other week. The first day to start as of now is Oct 30th. I am going to get the treatments at Miriam as it seems like the best idea to meet with Safran and stick with him. I got a lovely tour of the chemo rooms. The chemo treatment will be about 3 hrs long. And I will get the pump to take home for 2 days afterward. I do not have the PET scan scheduled yet or the date scheduled for when the port will be put in, but will post those dates when I get them.


  1. Leah,

    First of all I want to tell you how proud I am to be your friend. You are the most positive, sweetest person I know. I am also really glad that they decided to do a PET scan. I am optimistic that the nodule will not be another thing for us to worry about, some peace of mind as far as that at least will do you good :) I worked radiology for years and saw alot of nodules, most of them were nothing to worry about. I will remain postivie as you have been and have faith that your journey, although difficult, will be OK. Six months will fly by! We will keep praying and cheering you on. We love you very much!

    Veda :)

  2. I'm glad you liked this doctor better and are sticking with him. Sounds like you'll be in good hands! You remain in my thoughts and I hope this treatment course will kick the cancer out of your life for good!

  3. I agree with Renee...and I hope this treatment course will kick the cancer out of your life for good!
    You are a very positive person Leah and that is half the battle. I envy your positive and aggressive attitude during this entire journey so far. With the tremendous strong support you’re clearly getting from family & friends, you’ve shown such strength and perseverance.
    Keep the faith and know that we all are as well!
    Hugs and smiles coming your way...

    Dawn, Ken, Zack and Emmy <3

  4. Glad you are sticking with this doctor, especially since it sounds like you both like him and are comfortable receiving treatment closer to home. I'm praying that nodule isn't anything serious. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! Love to you!

  5. Sounds like a good idea to see the doctor regularly. Very sorry to hear about the nodule, but hopefully the PET scan will rule it out as an issue. It must feel good to have a treatment plan in place and starting soon. Pat and I are pulling for you and thinking of you often!!!

  6. Leah, what an incredible person you are my dear friend. I am rooting for you all the way on the other side of the country. :)

  7. Hi Leah! It seems like a lifetime ago that I've seen you. The pictures on your blog are wonderful. Such a beautiful, happy family! Renee was sweet enough to let all of us soccer girls know what's going on in your life right now. I just wanted to let you know that I am sending you many many positive thoughts and prayers!

  8. Hey Leah, Just wanted to let you know that Matthew and I are keeping you and your family close in thought and prayer. It sounds as though you are in good hands with very competent doctors. We applaud your strength and your positive energy. We will continue to send you blessings for healing and for faith. We love you!
    Rebecca, Matt, Gavin and Kellen

  9. Hey Leah, I know you like to read comments so this fairly generic comment is to let you know we are thinking of you and the blog is well done and a great way to disseminate information to those who care.

    God bless,
    Adam and Leslie

  10. Sounds like this doctor is going to be a great positive person! I am praying for you Leah. Love you!
