
Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Power of Prayer

I really do believe in the power of prayer. Our good friends, Pastor Mike and his wife Nancy, came over last night. Not only did they bring us an amazing dinner that Elly ate willingly (anyone that knows my peanut size daughter undertsands that is a feat in itself) he also lead us in a few prayers that I wish I could remember. Everyone has been so sweet sending encouraging thoughts and comments about my positive outlook. I'm going to be honest, I had no idea where my strength and positive outlook came from, it was surprising me! After last night and listening to Mike it occurred to me, it has come from God!
Everyone is praying to him and He is filling me with all of this positive energy, faith, acceptance and understanding. One of my neighbors left a comment about her family and friends praying for me all over the country and my first thought was wow that seems a bit extreme, but now I realize it's working! No prayer is too extreme or too much, so keep them coming! I am thanking God for such wonderful friends and family! I couldn't do this without my amazying husband, Mom, Dad, brother, cousins, aunts, all our family and friends and anyone who I don't know that is praying for me! I hope my brother doesn't mind me saying this but several mornings in a row when I found out the staging of the cancer or that it might be in my lungs, I woke up to these amazing emails from my brother. Despite being composed at all hours of the night they were filled with such encouragement! I also as most mothers do, worry about my children during all of this more than myself. Since I used to have Mondays and Wednesdays off to spend with them I have been praying for a solution to my gap in childcare while I go through chemo. Low and behold my neighbor who I have become friends with has accepted our offer to hire her to watch them during this time until she finds a job in her field. This was such a relief to me to know they would have a consistent schedule with someone who I trust. You all keep telling me how amazing I am and I just wanted to say YOU are all so amazing and I am grateful for each and every one of you being in my life!


  1. You are so sweet. Chocolate brownie sweet.

  2. Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to timeout. After a while he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a prayer.

    "Fine", said the pleased mother. "If you ask God to help you not misbehave, He will help you."

    "Oh, I didn't ask Him to help me not misbehave," said Johnny. "I asked Him to help you put up with me."

  3. What a great post are truly a class act!!! and the post about Johnny was very funny!! :)

  4. I am glad you are feeling surrounded by all this love and support, it's coming at you from all over!

  5. Speaking of the power of prayer my mom who is at church many days of the week and attends a prayer group on Tuesday evenings has added you to their list along with the big list from all the combined prayer groups. As we say This to shall pass and you will soon be on your way to recovery. Take Care we miss you at work but we are holding down the fort.

  6. I love this post. I keep telling everyone that talking to you makes ME feel better. Of course on those days when you aren't as strong, you will be surrounded with everyone you mentioned to help you along :)

  7. Leah, seeing you in great spirits makes it hard for anyone else to not feel the same way.

  8. Glad you are feeling inspired! - I will be praying for you from Kansas!
