
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Oncologist appointments

I have 2 oncology appointments next week. Tuesday I meet with someone at Dana Farber in Boston and Wednesday I meet with one in Providence that works directly with my surgeon. I have also heard that I can have my chemo given to me at Newport Hospital, which I am excited about! It would nice to be able to do it so close to home. Thanks again for everyone's support, It's times like these when you realize how many friends you have and how great they all are at being there for you and I appreciate everything everyone is doing!


  1. Thinking of you Leah! Stay Strong. I watched one of my best friends go thru stage 4 neck cancer a few yrs back. The chemo and radiation was tough but with good support you will come out the other side stronger than ever. You are in our thoughts every day! Hugs to you - Becca

  2. Glad you are going to get some info and a good plan started this week! Newport will be great, that is wonderful news!
