
Monday, October 29, 2012

teach visit, port & chemo schedule

We just got back from the teach visit where they explain all about the drugs I will be on for chemo. They also went over the port procedure, which is what I am most anxious about. If you are to pray for anything specific in the next day please pray for my anxiety over the port placement which is still scheduled for tomorrow at 7:30am.
The nurses did say to prepare for losing my hair. They said it really depends on my hair strength and I do lose hair all the time, so not sure if that matters, but it's better to prepare for it than it to be a surprise. Also it might get really thin and not all fall out so if anyone has any scarves?? I don't and don't feel very fashionably inclined to know how to wear them, so please help!
Tomorrow's schedule is 7:30am register at Miriam, 8:30 am port procedure. Recovery from procedure than dr's apt with oncologist Dr. Safran at 12:40pm. Chemo treatment starts at 1pm.
We made it to Pawtucket and back today in the storm, it's not too bad yet, hopefully it won't get too bad and we can have everything as scheduled tomorrow.


  1. Very much pray for your safe trip to and from Miriam in this storm! The port site will be a bit sore, but nothing like having the veins in your arms accessed each time!
    We'll be holding you in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow, as always.

  2. Stay safe in that storm! Hopefully it doesn't interfere with you getting everything done tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you all day!

  3. I hope the storm didn't hit you too badly yeserday and you were able to get everything done today. I've been thinking about you and your family a lot since Renee told me you were sick. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. You are WAY stronger than this Sandy chick!!! :) You got this.... Thinking of you!

  5. Thinking of you today. Stay strong and use your family and friends for lots of support. Sending you big hugs from AZ!

  6. Thinking of you with a smile and sending hugs and prayers your way. :)
