
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

3rd opinion

We saw the top colorectal surgical oncologist at Brigham and Women's today.  He is very against HIPEC for my situation.  He believes there is no evidence to prove that the HIPEC would work for colon cancer.  He believes what I had with the cancer going to the ovary is called a Krukenberg tumor.  It isn't necessarily a metastasis but part of original disease where the cancer cells were in the ovaries when I had my original tumor.  This goes along with my theory I had before where there were microscopic cells in my ovaries when I had my colon resection.  They were resistant to the chemo and hid out and then we saw the cyst on the ovary after the chemo was over which led us to the cancer there.  He does not recommend radiation unless I had a recurrence in my colon where they reconnected my colon.  He stated that the peritoneum is not necessarily a place for colon cancer to live like the ovaries were. 

His suggestion of treatment is to do the 6 months of the next IV chemo.  He recommends doing it without the 5FU drug which means I wouldn't have the pump on for 2 days after the infusion like I did last time.  He said that the primary tumor can suppress microscopic disease and once it is removed the microscopic cells can spread.  He said that if I were to do this option I should do it 6 weeks after the surgery I just had because it would be most effective.  This is something I have been against since the beginning but I have to say he was the best salesman so far of the IV chemo.

He also suggested doing sigmoid oscopies every 3 months after my colon resection surgery which my dr as never recommended.  I was just told to get another colonoscopy a year after my colon resection.  He also mentioned that having colon cancer I am at a higher risk of uterine cancer.  So he suggested years down the road having my uterus removed. 

I am considering switching my care to dana farber/brigham and womens.  I wouldn't see this dr because he is a surgeon but someone else on his team.  We will meet with them next week.  Lots to think about.  To end on a good note, he said that he has seen this happen before where there was never anymore disease, and that there is a possibility of me being cured!


  1. This guy sounds very competent and makes a good case. And no else knew it was a Krukenberg tumor! I support the idea of switching care, and I think the IV chemo is a good bet. Love his view on outcomes!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to get another opinion and that he gave you some encouraging news!!


  3. So now I guess you see what this other team doc recommends and go from there? It is THRILLING to hear someone mention this could be considered cured! And I have to say I like the idea of more frequent scans to check for recurrence, though of course that's much easier said than done ;-) I'm sure facing six more months of chemo doesn't feel great. Like you wrote, lots to think about. Good luck with your decisions, Leah!

  4. I agree with all 3 comments above Leah and not only does he sound more competent you sound more confident in him!!! I say make the switch too! We are so lucky to be so close to Boston, they do have the very best. I'm so happy that you feel good about this appt. You deserve some encouraging news!!! <3

  5. Leah...praying again for direction for you from the Lord, and praying for complete healing. I'm so thankful you have your own 'team' helping you do research and being there for you. God bless! Jan D.

  6. You sound WONDERFULLY uplifted!!

    Many blessings in this blog post Leah! Do something out of the ordinary today, it indeed is a special one!

    Wonderful news.

  7. This guy sounds like he knows a thing or too. This is encouraging!

  8. I'm glad that you seem to have found someone that you feel comfortable with and getting the explanations you want and need. With all of the prayers being said for you, you will make the right decisions concerning your treatment and recovery. Don't forget, lunch when you're up to it.

  9. Let your heart lead your way Leah! After all you are the one living and I do mean living with the decisions. Bittersweet news knowing that you are not in favor of Chemo again. But the end result is what will matter for you and your family in the long run! Have a happy day and grab a hug from your family! Wishing you a speedy 6 months but make sure you get to spend some of that on a nice beach! Thinking Positive thoughts for you!

  10. Boy Leah, I loved to read that last word in your post today. What a wonderful word! I hope the information you received and the research you are most likely doing on the Krukenberg tumor bring you and the family comfort. This doc sure sounds well informed and has a lot of experience with this sort of thing. I agree with the scans and making sure they keep an eye on things. Although, I'm sure 6 months of more chemo are not ideal, if the results are where this doc thinks they can be, then I hope your heart, research and prayers lead you down the path to a cure! Love to you Leah! Thoughts and prayers to you! Hello to Bry and the kiddos! :-)

  11. Leah,

    May your strength, prayers, and good clinical care combine to give this cancer the knockout blow it deserves! So glad you feel you have "clicked" with an oncologist; you have been amazingly tenacious during this ordeal. I don't think the cancer realized who it was messing with. So full of hope and best wishes for you.

    God bless

  12. Leah,
    This is wonderful news! A hopeful note at last. Sounds like you have found someone knowledgeable with experience in exactly what you have been through. Very encouraging to have finally someone say that you may be cancer free eventually!

