
Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy dance?!

I met with the medical oncologist from Dana farber today.  I am currently in the car on the way home and thought I'd blog as we are stuck in ridiculous traffic.  I was a little nervous when in the waiting room there were 1,000 to 1,200 piece puzzles.  Really?? I have time to work on a thousand piece puzzle?? Man I should have brought more snacks!  We only waited a little over an hour so that wasn't  bad, I know the dr had to review all my scans and records and they always do that right before they see you.

She surprised the heck out of me with her opinion!  She did say that she would bring me up with her tumor board and call me next week to tell me their thoughts so I will anxiously await that call.  She said that she does not recommend any treatment right now.  The data that is out there does not prove that doing more chemo would in any way cure me.  She said that it would possibly delay reoccurrence but not prevent it.  She has a suspicion based on my scans that the metastasis on the ovary was there from the beginning.  There is a scan in October where the area where my left ovary is, there is area lit up on the PET scan.  This could be something from my colon having to do with my surgery but could also have been cancer in my ovary.

Since I just finished treatment and did all 12 rounds (like a champ) she doesn't see the benefit of doing chemo right now.  She said she would recommend chemo if she thought it would make a difference but she does not see it beneficial right now.

We haven't made any decisions to switch my care to Dana farber.  This dr spoke very highly of my oncologist in providence.  She was perfectly happy to consult with me as I felt necessary and see me when I want her to.  She also said she would discuss her recommendation with my oncologist.

I myself am trying to figure out why I am doing a happy dance when I just heard I probably am not cured and chemo won't cure me but I am just grateful to get a break from treatment.  I am almost positive I will do chemo again, when there is something there to treat.  I am trying a no meat, no dairy diet for a while.  all those veggies fight cancer and I feel like I'm doing something to treat those microscopic cells!   i just need a break.  I need to be able to enjoy my vacation, enjoy my kids and live just for a little while.  I should be getting a scan in July and that could change everything but for now let me just live.


  1. The more I think about this, the happier I am for you ... Enjoying the summer sure sounds like a great idea. And that now makes two oncologists from very prestigious hospitals that have recommended the wait and see approach ... That's got to mean something, right?
    I look forward to enjoying the summer with you, my friend!

  2. AWESOME NEWS! So now you can go enjoy some of your summer and family time and not worry as much that the disease is making a comeback. I'm glad you met with the doc at Dana Farber. The fact that she is willing to collaborate with your doc in Providence shows that not only is she a wonderful professional but kind and understanding as well. I can understand why you are so excited. Time to go hit up the farmer's markets, eat all the veggies you can nosh and have a ball with your family! Bravo Leah!

  3. Hi Leah, I think this is great news! Hooray for a tumor board - lots of opinions will come to the table and work out every option until they agree upon a solution. A few years ago, Randy got an opinion from a brigham board and it was very helpful for us - kind of nice to have a whole team focusing on just YOU! They'll take good care of you!
    A well deserved happy dance & kudos on always seeing the positives! Enjoy every minute, we can share vegan recipes if you want :-) I use pinterest... My newest recipe to try is a cauliflour sauce that can replace alfredo in a yummy way ;-) (replace butter/milk with your alternative)

  4. Hi Leah,
    I am happy and hopeful for you! Go live your Life!!


  5. Leah, you keep on doing the Happy Dance!

  6. I'm so happy that you have access to all these great medical professionals, and I'm happy that you'll be able to enjoy the summer with your family!

  7. At least you are starting to have some similar opinions, that must feel nice. I can't see the harm in waiting a few weeks till July, especially since you did just have surgery. Hugs!

  8. I for one, would like to see you doing the happy dance!!!

    Love the "tumor board" as mentioned above as well! Nice to hear the DF doctor has nice things to say about your current PVD doctor! Wonderful....

    Hugs lady,
