
Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I haven't posted in a while.  I feel like every day brings a new challenge or ailment and it is never ending.  I have been getting out a little more the past few days which is nice.  I feel accomplished if i can make plans and follow through regardless of how I'm feeling.  Today it is snowing and it makes me a little anxious about the winter.  My neuropathy has gotten significantly worse and the cold does not help.   Brrrrr


  1. But you've posted now, so thank you for our Leah fix. "Getting out a little more," sounds fabulous, especially when you have a sense of accomplishment as a result. It sounds like your mind is taking charge to challenge and motivate your body, as difficult as it may be. That sounds like a positive and strong realization that you are Strong Leah, master of your feelings, wonder (ful) woman and ruler of your universe! Shazaam Princess Leah! A true studette.

  2. I like the Princess Leah theme! I think we need to stay with that! I can just see you with your little twirled braids on the side of your head... this weekend it warms up again! It will feel like summer! I will pray for a mild winter and lots of sunshine... something we all would like! Take care! Kiki
