
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Serenity Prayer

Does everyone know the Serenity Prayer?  I have found myself saying it lately and I really like it, it is very soothing to me.  For those that don't know it:

 "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.  The courage to change the things I can.  And the wisdom to know the difference."

I looked up the definition of serenity:

se•ren•i•ty (səˈrɛn ɪ ti)

the state or quality of being serene; tranquillity
Aww serene and tranquil, doesn't that sound nice?  I just find this prayer so fitting to my situation and I'm sure anyone can probably apply it to their life.  There are a lot of things I have to accept that I cannot change in my life.  There are definitely things I do have control of, and I try to take the courage to change these for the positive like my attitude and outlook.  And it is sometimes difficult to distinguish what I can control and change.  I like the idea of asking God for help in this area and just wanted to share my thoughts with all of you :)


  1. Thank you, Leah, for your wonderful positive thoughts and feelings; for your faith and for reminding us of the serenity prayer, and for your balanced perspective going through all this. I'm good with the prayer although I'm worried about the wisdom part. Wisdom always seems to elude me! Keep trying, right? I sense your search for hope--and your connecting with the positive shows in your writing.

    Keep it up, girl, mom, wife, child and friend. We're pulling hard for you and with you. And reaffirming all this in our prayers for adorable Leah.

  2. That's a great prayer. Really wise. It reminds me of that song Don't Worry, Be Happy. One line says, ''In your life, expect some trouble. When you worry, you make it double.'' It kind of reminds me if that, like don't waste time worrying on things you can't change or control.

    It's getting warmer... :)


  3. I don't mean to hog this space but your photo sitting on the stone wall in front of the lifeguard chair reminds me of yet another first beach story--way, way back when my girlfriend (now wife) and I were sitting in one of those chairs about 11 pm enjoying the surf and the moon when the Newport police turned on the prison yard lights, hailed us and cited us for being on the beach after dark. I'd lived in Newport for a long time-Middletown, too, and never had I had an after dark beach assault like that. I learned later that there had been some vandalism problems with the pavilion and the 'after 9 pm' or dark, I guess, rule was enacted.

    So, Dana said, "Oh, let's just pay the ticket and fawgedabowdit." Always practical, focused on what's important and what's not. I, on the contrary, felt incensed that 'my' beach was being taken from us, without reason or justification, regardless of the hour. We weren't vandals. Just taxpayers enjoying nature after sunset.

    I wound up at pre-trial conference where I requested the name of the officer we had seen earlier overseeing the carcas of a huge sea turtle on the beach. This was after another storm with great surf. Short end. Justice prevailed and the cops withdrew their case.They would have lost had we gone to trial. And.... I was satisfied to see that the guy (jerk) who arrested us was "released" from the force for reasons essentially unbecoming the service.

    Being in those chairs at night is so peaceful. (Most of the time!) Thanks, Leah. Seeing you and your family there on the beach makes me as happy as you and your family. Happy picture! Happy heart.

  4. Dear Leah, I have for many years had the Serenity Prayer on our refrigerator and often, just when I need its words the most, there it is to remind me that we are not in control of everything in our lives but that life is for living each day to the best of our abilities and finding happiness is within each of us. You are inspiring all of us on how to look at life head on and make the best of each day. Stay strong, dear Leah. Love, Aunt Nancy

  5. From what I know of you, Leah, you have serenity and acceptance in abundance. Not the acceptance of giving up, but the acceptance of knowing what you are dealing with and how hard you have to fight.

    You inspire many people whom you have never even met. That is worth celebrating.

  6. Leah, your strength is inspirational. I haven't seen you for years (when you would visit Rae at UNH), but I remember all the fun we had! Thank you for letting us into your world. Another favorite quote of mine, similar to yours is, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou.
    Positive energy to you and your family -Liz

  7. Leah,
    This will sound strange to you but my kids say that prayer before they hit the competition floor each and every time. (of course much different situation but same result).

    It is comforting that we can say the prayer and understand that life is bigger than each and every one of us and our situations. That we can only do what we can but in the end it is in Gods hands and that if we do the best we can do, we have to come to terms that it is all we can do. God will be the decision maker in the end. Basically Faith and Serenity have to come hand in hand. So God Grant us the Serenity to accept the things we CANNOT change and the Wisdome to know the difference. God will take care of you as always. Continue to have faith and do what you do to make the difference.
