
Monday, November 25, 2013

pink tips

My cousin Rachael gave me this book that her friend gave to her to give to me.. you follow that?  Anyway, cool thing is the author signed it and wrote a note personally to me!   The book is called Pink Tips and is tips for someone going through breast cancer.  Although I do not have that type of cancer a lot of the tips are for someone going through cancer in general and I found them really insightful.  Also there are some amazing quotes she has in there too.  I want to share some of this with you over the next few days posting parts of this book because it was that good. 

The first part I liked was the section about "Just showing up"  It basically says you don't have to have all the answers for your friend going through cancer, just show up for them and help them fight it.  I have had so many friends and family do this for me and it is true, just being there, whether you know what to say or not, and let's face it, no one knows what to say, just show up and you don't have to say anything at all!

 My aunt who has ovarian cancer that I am very close with is going to have to go back into treatment.  I of all people don't even know what to say to that.  It just sucks, what else is there to say.  But I can give her a huge hug and tell her I'm here.  So that's what I do. 

"Success is not in getting a winning hand but playing a bad hand well."  Robert Louis Stevenson 


  1. You are sounding better, so I know you are. In just little bits, one at a time, day by day. Just like the Chinaman taking the first step of a journey of a thousand miles. (You're not Oriental, are you?)

    I so respect your guts and bravery, for hanging in there with the tough stuff that happens while you're getting better.

    However there is something even more impressive than the way you've been handling your physical and mental situation which astounds me the most about you. Something which requires incredible strength of character and resiliency to survive. I learned this about you and I am in awe. Now I know how tough you really are and how confident I feel about your prognosis and future. Perhaps some day when we meet, I'll congratulate you and be in awe, personally.

    Oh, by the way. It is not medical. It is a lot more than that!

  2. Hey Leah, it's Sarah. I love the last quote. Just wanted to say you are playing you're hand well. Hope to see you soon.

  3. I love that so many people have shown up for you. You're more than worth it!

  4. Beautiful post, beautiful are such a beautiful person Leah! Thanks for sharing this and reminding us all how important it is to "just show up"!!!
