
Friday, November 29, 2013

Pink Tip #4

GPS yourself, this is what the book calls it.  The book says, "Meet yourself where you are in this journey.  The cancer trip is an up and down road--some days you're strong and ready, other days you're weak and want to give up.  Find out where you are on any given day emotionally and go from there."

I think back on how sick I was when I started chemo again.  I feel so much better now, and can't believe what I went through.  If I knew the chemo was going to work and how much better I'd feel I wouldn't have been so torn about doing it, but alas, there is no crystal ball is there?

 Well speaking of GPS, I am heading to Tucson next week on Saturday, for a week.  I can NOT wait to soak up some sun.  My mother in law is coming out to help with the kids and just my mom and I are going.  Then I get to fly back with my brother!  How lucky am I??  I feel like i'm finally getting over this awful cold and hope I can be in decent health to go for long walks in the sun and just be outside, maybe go find my rock to lay on in the desert!

I have chemo monday and I am NOT looking forward to it.  I just feel so sick by the end of the treatment that I can't wait to just get home and go to bed.  I keep making appointments to get drained and then cancel them because I just don't feel like there is enough there. I think there is a little bit but not enough to go through the awful procedure. The further I get away from it the more I don't ever want to do it again.  It has been almost 6 weeks I think, and I am so grateful I don't have to go twice a week like I was doing, that was awful! 


  1. Oh, Leah...I hope you have the warmest most fantabulous time in Tuscon. I pray you'll feel well enough to enjoy every second of it.
    I'm so glad you don't have to go for that draining, but, we sure didn't know just how awful it was because you went through it with no complaints. I'll be praying for you especially this Mon. as you do another treatment. God bless...keep the Lord Jesus as your focus and hope!! Jan

  2. Leah praying the chemo works its hardest today but that you don't feel sick.. hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for always posting inspiration. you are so strong and positive and I admire you!
    Love, brenna

  3. Can't wait to see you and soak up some sun with you! Hope today's treatment goes just a tiny bit better knowing you've got a trip to look forward to at the end of the week.

  4. Leah plus Leah plus Leah... let's see that's three Leahs. But only two Pink Tips #3. Is there a correlation? Oh well, who cares when we hear such good news about your chemo (even though you've given it a bad rap, even if justifiably so). Maybe if we think about how much better it is making you, we can develop a mind over matter strategy model which will help you feel less awful after your sessions. Is this possible?

    Whatever. What seems possible is that you ARE getting better. It shows in your tone and you deserve to feel better. Tuscon will be a much better place to be when you are there. We'll miss you close by where we can keep tabs on you. Hurry back for our sake. Have a blast being there for yours. xo


  5. Leah, dear!

    I had to take to the high seas and am just back to catching up now. Too much emotion to even begin to type. You are never far from my thoughts. The babies look beautiful!

    Hope your time with your mom is wonderfully relaxing!
