
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hey thanks to all the Bills and Tinas!

So my 3 year old has taken to calling anyone and everyone Bill or Tina. He thinks he's pretty hilarious and frankly so do I.   Hence the title of this post.  I felt compelled to blog and thank every Bill and Tina who has been praying for me.  I had a decent day today, I even ate a sandwich!  I feel as though there is some light today and that's a lot to be thankful for!


  1. great news....thank god...

  2. This is wonderful to hear! Mostly the part about you eating a sandwich, but the Bill and Tina thing is pretty darn cute! ~Dawn

  3. Oh Drewby, how adorable! I am so happy you had a decent day yesterday! I pray for another one today for you!
    Love, Brenna

  4. So glad you're feeling better! And that cutie Drew is always figuring out ways to make people laugh!

  5. Mm... sandwiches! Glad to hear you had a better day and that your Drew is able to provide some levity. He sounds like a sweetheart!

    Liz G

  6. Too funny Mr. Drew! One day (and one sandwich) at a time Leah! Good news. Prayers and thoughts are always sent! Much love to you!! Love your friend, Tina :-)

  7. You do always love your sandwiches. Dawn toasts hers now because you taught her to. I enjoyed seeing Elly request a cheese/tomato/avocado sandwich the other day, because you have made those for so long, and they are tasty. I remember you making one for her when she was about to turn 12 months, at the old house in Bristol. Little Bradley was 8 months or so. Good times. Sandwiches and the kiddos. :)

  8. Thinking of you Leah, it was nice to see you at the beach. Lots of love and prayers your way.

  9. Too Cute! Hope that you are continuing to feel better, Leah!


  10. I think of you often, and your beam of light travels farther than you perhaps can imagine. So pleased to learn that you had a good day Sunday and celebrated with a sandwich. And great laugh medicine a la Drew! Hopefully it’s continued over the last couple days. With warm thoughts and prayers aimed in your direction…….

  11. Dear Leah, You have another set of Bill and Tina's praying for you! My husband Bill works with a friend of yours. I've never met another Bill and Tina couple, but here we are! Sending love and healing prayers your way,

  12. Drew said 'good-bye Tina' to me the other day, so sweet! Josie

  13. Children are such a blessing. Hope this week continues to be better. Praying for you always in the strong name of Jesus! Jan

  14. I love it!!! Drew is a character. And I've never met a Bill or a Tina I didn't like. Glad you enjoyed your sandwich!

  15. So wonderful to hear about the sandwich!!!! But, the Bill and Tina deal is hilarious!!!!
