
Friday, May 23, 2014

Just listening to the birds

My husband was on his way out the door the other day to go for a run.  He came back inside and stated that he had forgotten his headphones.  My 5 year old daughter gave him a puzzled look and simply stated, "you don't want to just listen to the birds?"

I feel like ever since my diagnosis I have stopped to smell the flowers and listen to the birds more than I would have, knowing I probably won't be able to do it much longer.  My mom's birthday is today, and birthdays seem to really be a significant time for me in my life now.  I just never know if I'm going to be around for the next one. 

I did hear back from the nurse and she said that it is an option next time to eliminate the one drug we know is causing the problem.  I feel like I get mixed responses from people when they hear this.  On the one hand I might not be suffering as much from chemo in the future, which is great, but on the other hand we aren't sure that it will be as effective in keeping the cancer away.  So as grateful as I am to not be suffering of course there are always the chance of consequences we don't want to deal with.  It's just not fair, and well I guress I need to get used to that.

It seems like every week we're reading about trials and cures that people have found for their cancer.  I always wonder if some day that will be me, and I pray it will.

Once again I want to thank my mom for all her help, Happy Birthday!! and I don't know what we'd do without her!

1 comment:

  1. Regarding eliminating part of the chemo, the way I see it is I am not the one going through chemo. I can imagine it and I see how awful it is for you, but I will never really know. You are surrounded by smart people to help you make decisions. What I do know is you have such a fighting spirit and I think that is the best "drug" there is. That's what I support and if your quality of life affects that, then we've gotta fix it!
