
Friday, February 15, 2013



[fuh-teeg]adjective, verb, fa·tigued, fa·ti·guing.
1. weariness from bodily or mental exertion.
2. a cause of weariness; slow ordeal; exertion: the fatigue of driving for many hours. 
3. Physiology . temporary diminution of the irritability or functioning of organs, tissues, or cells after excessive exertion or stimulation.
4. Civil Engineering . the weakening or breakdown of material subjected to stress, especially a repeated series of stresses.
I was going to only list the most appropriate definition but I couldn't make up my mind.  This is the only word I can think of to describe the way I've been feeling lately.  I think the chemo rounds are finally catching up.  I have noticed after number 7 that my "good weeks" are turning into tired weeks.  I just can't seem to feel rested when I get up in the morning and I'm tired all day.  I also seem to consistently get a head ache halfway through the week that lasts for like 3-4 days and I can't get rid of it.  Not liking this new pattern.

My mom returns from Arizona on Sunday so I think that will be a huge help with my tiredness, having a built in babysitter is really the best thing ever!
Anyway, enough complaining, one thing I really wanted to get across is how much I still love getting comments on the blog.  I get emails on my phone when comments get posted and it just brings a smile to my face everytime someone writes something.  You are all so encouraging and supportive and I feel so constantly loved by everyone reading my blog and leaving me little notes of inspiration, so keep it up it is really helpful for my mental well being!


  1. Adorable new pictures!! So sorry the chemo is taking a toll on your "good weeks" too. Only 4 more to go though.

  2. The pictures are really cute....Drew is just adoarable in his green pants and Elly looks like a Mama tell Elly I will want a cup of tea the next time I visit!!

  3. It is funny how all four definitions apply to your situation. I'm so glad to hear that your mom is on her way .... Even if she can't relieve your exhaustion, I hope you can rest more comfortably knowing she is there for the kids. Only two more days!

  4. Leah, we may be encourageing you, but you are an encouragement to everyone else. You are handling this trial with such grace and faith. You continue to be in our prayers at church every week. "The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint and to him who has no might He increases strength." Is.41:28-29 Praying for daily strength! Jan DaCosta

  5. you do not know me but i am so moved by your continued faith....god is good....he will not give you more than you can are an inspiration and i will continue to keep you in my prayers.....thank god for mothers...
    love to you dear girl..

  6. When I think of you, my dear Leah, a few things come to mind: "leah gotta-peah" "rabbit-rabbit" and Len - Steal my Sunshine. Think back to when we lived in Wilson - the horrible grey couch that swallowed you whole despite the stacks of newspapers under the cushions! And watching our art class on TV all together after a dinner at Central Dining or the Union. It was great to see the pic of you with Renee and Christine - put me right back at NAU. Just like when we were pregnant and thought it would never end - some person would smirk "no one is pregnant forever" and it of course, and thankfully is true. You won't be fatigued and down and out with chemo forever either. I look forward to when you can post about running around with your children in the yard playing chase. It will come - keep you eyes on the road ahead. I have been hearing this song on K-Love a lot it's called "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North - somewhat fitting for you. Take a listen.
    Love from Colorado! - Ande

  7. We think of you often and you are ever in our prayers. Love the new pictures of Ellie and Drew. Your strength (even when you are not feeling strong) and your faith are ispiratinal. Much love from us, and hi to Bryan and the kids.
    Millie and Tom

  8. Leah, we think of you often and you are ever in our prayers. Love the new pictures of Ellie and Drew. Your strength (even when you are not feeling strong) and your faith are inspirational. Much love from us, and hi to Bryan and the kids.
    Millie and Tom

  9. Hi Leah! Thinking of you today and hope the fatigue goes away after your treatment regime. All the best. As others say here, our little notes may bring a smile to you knowing we are all thinking of you frequently, but you are more of an inspiration to us all watching you so bravely take on these treatments like a fierce competitor. Keep your chin up and we're all rooting for you! DaveL

  10. You are doing a great job Leah. Hang in there, better days are ahead. Harve

  11. Always thinking of you Leah! My goodness those children are just beautiful! The pure JOY on Drew's face in the snow is wonderful! Am so very glad to hear mom is on her way, because nothing feels as good as a mom does.

    Big hugs from Cape Cod.

  12. Leah,you are tougher than you realize, your resolve shines through via your blogging. We are pulling for you.

  13. Leah, I'm going to sound like a parrot because I see others have already told you that you are the inspiration. That is exactly what I was thinking as I was catching up on your blogs. Your faith and your strength are encouraging to others who are facing difficulties. Praying for you always.
