
Friday, July 19, 2013

Good News Finally!

What does a cancer patient say when they find out an MRI and CT scan picked up a blood clot on the liver and not a tumor?  They say yippeeee!!  The Dr called me and said that he had 2 radiologists read the MRI and they said it was a blood clot in my liver.  Apparently this is common after pelvic surgery like i just had and he said that it should resolve on its own.  I will get an MRI in 2 months to check on it. 

The MRI yesterday, much like the last one, was very traumatic for me.  I get put inside this tiny tube for 30 mins and can't move.  And then as if that isn't enough they basically blast air horns at you for 30 mins.  Yes it is THAT loud! Seriously?  Having cancer and going through everything I've been through isn't enough, I have to endure this too??  Thankfully the Techs are super sweet and understanding.  I don't look forward to the next one but I will survive.

So finally some good news.   Please join me in smiling and cheering and being grateful and relieved and thankful.  Now I just need to get through this colonoscpy in August with clear results and we will all be breathing a little easier UNTIL the next scan, but that is my life now. 


  1. I believe friends of cancer patients say yippeeee too! Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight!

  2. Doing the happy dance along with you and your family...praise the Lord!! Jan DaCosta

  3. YIPPEE!!! Have a great weekend Leah!! And a super Monday!! ;)
    Dawn <3

  4. I am so relieved for you. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Woo-hoo! So glad you got your good news finally. Have a great birthday. :)

  6. Yippee for you out here in this little corner of Idaho!

    J Wall

  7. AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE, LEAH!!!!! SOO happy! Enjoy it - you deserve every word of the great news!

  8. Yabba Dabba DOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Happy Dance...Happy Dance...Happy Dance....

  9. Leah,

    Those aren't air horns that's just the hydrogen atoms in your liver singing about how happy they are it was not a tumor. They got kind of excited.

    Happy news and happy birthday!

  10. Oh, Leah, I am SO Happy for you and your family!!

