
Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Nausea seems to be my new friend.  I haven't had a great past few days but I did get to sit in the sun yesterday.  I have, I believe, mastered flushing and removing my own pump which is a relief.  I got scared last time and had to call Bryan home.  This time I waited for him to be around and was able to do it.  I got a crash course from the nurse last time on a pretend port.  It's pretty easy once you know what you're doing.  It was more the removal than the flushing that scared me.

The Dr confirmed that if the ascites (fluid) has remained at bay that the chemo is working!  Also she said she thought the tumors were smaller.  She mentioned something about taking a break period at some point from chemo so that was nice to hear.  I'm sure it's way down the road.  Also my next scan will be Dec 9.


  1. Hooray for good results! Hope the next few days go better for you with the nausea.

  2. Love to hear positive news! On another note I love the pictures on the right they always make me smile. Drew has grown up! Hope to be able to see him the next time you make an appearance. LOL Take Care Prayers and Faith Work my friend!

  3. I second Deb's comments on the positive news and the quality of the photos of you guys. Also wishing you relief from the nausea.

  4. YES! It's so great that the chemo is working! I will be praying about that nausea.

  5. Thumbs down for the nausea but great news from the doctor!!! I hope you feel better soon Leah. Prayers for a good scan on the always, thinking of you! <3

    1. As Joe Cocker sings, "You are so beautiful... to me" (us). And you are. We're pulling for you and loving the snippets of good stuff. And we're pulling for you however you feel. C'mon Leeeeeeeeeeeaahh

  6. Fabulous!!! Not about the nausea of course, that is a serious bummer. I wish you could have the results and the ''it's working'' without the nausea. But however it comes, the news that it's working is so wonderful. Keep it up, Leah! :)


  7. Hi Leah,
    I heard that you were finally feeling a bit better the last couple of days! And Great news about about the fluid not building up. Hope the trend continues. You are in my thoughts daily.
