
Monday, November 4, 2013

sometimes I like to curl up in a ball

My kids have this book called, Sometimes I like go curl up in a ball, by Vicki Churchill and Charles Fuge. I have been thinking about this book for months.  The beginning and ending are my favorite.
   " Sometimes I like to curl up in a ball so no one can see me because I'm so small.  But when the day ends and the sun starts to fall, then I do what I do best of all,I find somewhere soft, somewhere cozy and small and that's where I like to curl up in a ball."
I don't know if it is the comfort of the fetal position or the feeling of being warm and cozy but I have been very sad that I cannot curl up in a ball.  Because of the size and location of my tumors I can't curl up or lay on my sides.  So this is one of my goals, to be able to curl up in a ball at some point, in the sun!

I am on my way to chemo in my nice new van my dad generously bought us.  Had a good day yesterday.  Still minimal fluid build up!  I do have a cold so let's hope that doesn't turn into
anything else.  Enjoy the sun for me while I am stuck inside all day!


  1. Leah, It was great seeing you! I hope today goes well and quick for you! Sending thoughts and prayers your way! Love, Brenna

  2. Leah, Will be praying that you will soon be able to curl up into that ball. While your at chemo today, I will be sure to soak in some of this sun and sent it your way.
    See you Monday, Linda

  3. Praying those tumors shrink, shrink, shrink so you can get comfortable like a kitty in a warm, cozy piece of sunlight. Yay, dad, for a new van! God bless! Jan

  4. My kids have that book too and it's one of my favorites. Hope you get to curl up in a ball soon!

  5. That's a good wish, to curl up like a ball in the sun. I will wish it for you! Hope chemo went well and continues to with the pump today. The lack of fluid build up has to be good!!!

