
Friday, October 26, 2012

PET scan results

Well thank God for the yay list because we have bad news. I just got off the phone with the oncologist and the scan results are in. The PET is 99% accurate and it showed that the nodule is cancer and that there are also other several other tiny spots around it that are cancerous as well. The staging is now changed to stage 4 cancer. The plan is still to use chemo to treat the cancer in the lungs, so thank God for Chemo!


  1. I don't really know what to say other than I am so sorry to hear this news. I'm glad you are starting the chemo soon.

  2. This is so not the news I was expecting to hear ... I too don't really know what to say. I wish you continued strength and faith. And love.

  3. Leah,

    I'm so sorry to hear this new news. I wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you and your family. I know we don't know each other well, but if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Stay strong!

    Dani Flynn

  4. There are some wonderful stage 4 colon cancer survival stories out there, and there are plenty of people who have not posted their story online. The way I see it, Leah's one of the healthiest, strongest people I know and she's got such a positive outlook and faith. If there is anything that separates people from being in 1 statistic versus the other, I know this puts her on the positive side :)

  5. I just want to echo what Kim said are more than a number Leah and your strength and love for life will bring you through this difficult journey. I beleive in the ability of the human spirit and will to triumph over the greatest of obstacles. This, Leah, may be the biggest obstacle of your life, and although it has been years since I have seen you in person, I know that you, one of my oldest friends, CAN do this. Hugs.

  6. Thank God for modern medicine! You're going to beat this Leah, and then you'll post your positive survival story too!

  7. I woke up to the news and I am still in the shock and denial mode. However, after hours of early morning reading I am encouraged again and again by the news that modern medicine and technology have made Stage IV Colon Cancer cancer curable! The testimonials of so many people have proved that this can be "kicked" and a full life can be had. It sounds like a fight is necessary, but you KNOW you have your whole family and all your wonderful friends to help you battle every step of the way. Your spirituality and your amazing optimism (YAY LIST) are evidence of your strong will. Leah, you are beautiful, smart and resilient. As your step-mother in law, I want to thank all those people who are there for Bryan and Leah and the children. They need you in this fight! Peace to all of you. We are here for you Bryan and Leah...Ploutz Power ! ...and much love.
    Pappa Dave and Grandma Sue

  8. Leah,
    Kim is so right, you are one of the healthiest, strongest people I know and you have the most positive outlook on life and such a strong faith, that I also know you will beat this. Plus, take a look at whose in your corner, lots and lots of people that love you and praying for you....
    I too look forward to you posting your positive survival story!!!

    Love ya kiddo!!

  9. "An individual doesn't get cancer, a family does."

  10. As I sit here at SEA CORP virtually alone I feel the need for a cheer for you Leah!

    Leah Ploutz Strong and Brave
    Prayers and Courage a road well paved
    The C work can't knock you down
    Your faith and Spirit are renown
    The days will pass, some will be tough
    You'll rise above as we beat this stuff
    Your desk is awaiting your healthy return

    OF course not to make light of a serious situation but you will beat this Leah because God has a plan for you and you believe in God. He takes care of all his angels!

  11. Leah - You are strong! You will beat this! You are not alone in your journey! God, family and friends will be by your side. This recent setback is just that, a little bump in the road. You have a treatment plan, excellent physicians and lost of daily thoughts and prayers. Stay positive, think positive. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get." Well, I hope your box of chocolates gets a little sweeter when you kick cancers butt! Stay strong! Missing you guys! Hug & kiss those little ones everyday! Sending love, thoughts & prayers your way my friend! Love & hugs, ~Krista & Chris

  12. Hi Leah,
    I was shocked by this news and am sorry to read it. I can't wait to see you this weekend. I am praying for you and I know you can beat this! I echo all the positive messages here, Leah. You are an amazing and strong person and I know you can do this.
