
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sporting Vera Bradley

Just because I have to carry a chemo pump for 48 hrs doesn't mean I can't do it fashionably! my friend Katie heard me mention wanting a fancy bag for my pump. It isn't hard to beat a black fanny pack, I mean come on, really?! I know I'm too young to get cancer but I'm not 10 and it is not 1990! So she bought me a little hipster vera Bradley bag, how cute is this!? thanks katie!
My aunt Joanne took me to chemo today. It was a long day starting with blood work at 9am and then an apt with my oncologist, who is amazing by the way. He is just awesome, love him, the absolute best. and I'm not just saying that because of his answer to my question of being able to travel. when I asked if my mom could take me back to Tucson with her for a week between treatments he was totally onboard!! Hello 80 degrees and sunshine in the middle of winter, oh yea and I'm not taking the kids, sorry Bryan! So we might be in need of some extra hands that week! I will let you know when I book my trip!
Unfortunately I'm experiencing a few more side effects already after the treatment today. I can't drink anything even slightly cool, it feels like daggers in my throat. They warned me about this last time but thankfully it didn't happen with the first round. I also continue to have my joints in my hand feel like they are locked (which makes texting a little challenging, but don't worry I won't give that up). the other major one is cold sensitivity with my skin. They suggest wearing gloves to get things out of fridge and to open car doors, I think this one is imminent
They weren't able to replace the IV anti nausea that I was allergic to but after last times incident of needing to go in 3 days later to get fluids and meds we have some pill forms I took last time that we are hoping will keep everything under control. If not you know where I will be going,and they will take good care of me!


  1. Love the Vera-what a great idea! And you'll just have to switch to hot tea and cocoa to get your required fluids! (That does improve within the week, I think.) And I never even thought of travel! Sunshine can do a lot for a girl!
    (I really love the leaf pictures!)

  2. Cute bag! Now you will need one for every outfit!
    Just let us know the week you will be away and I know a few girls that would love to help Bryan!! I called and spoke with Joes and we can use the coupon anywhere! So maybe next week when you are feeling better.

  3. WOO HOO!! SUN!! I am pretty sure I would be hugging my doctor if he prescribed me that :) Cute bag!

  4. I hope the nausea stays under control this time. Let me know what week you decide on to visit Tucson. I'm so there!

  5. Hi Leah,
    I hope you are doing well today. Hopefully the nausea stays under control and that you can stay warm. Contintue to stay strong, you're an amazing woman!
    Thinking of you!

  6. Love the bag!!! Super cute and such bright colors....gotta make a girl feel a little better! And some sunshine will surely help as well! It is amazing what a little dose of Vitamin D can do for ya!! Keep us posted on when you are coming to AZ!!

  7. The bag is a nice upgrade, you look happy wearing it! :)

    HOORAY about visiting your mother. That sounds amazing, and you certainly deserve it!

    I think you know this, but I have Raynaud's which means my fingers and toes get very cold very fast - I have found that keeping them warm BEFORE they get cold helps a lot, so that tip about gloves for the fridge or car may seem silly but give it a try. If you have to be outside for a while, maybe try those hot hands things for in ski gloves? Try doubling up on socks, too, if you can tolerate it. Wool is awesome because it lets your skin breathe but keeps you cozy.

    Hope the nausea's under control!

  8. Hi Leah,

    You look great and that Vera bag looks super on you! Your upbeat attitude and your spirit are inspiring. Just the thought of warmth and sunshine.....

    Hope you are enjoying our game of words with friends, I am. You are a challenging opponent especially considering you are new at it!

    Praying for you always.

  9. Hi Leah,
    This is Aly's mom. She told me about what has been going on with you and I want you to know that you are being prayed for by a great many people that you don't even know. We had prayer meeting at my church last night and we prayed for you and your family. Our prayer is that you would continue to trust in Jesus through this whole journey. "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. he will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber..." Ps.21
    God bless!

  10. Hi Leah,

    You are looking great, especially with that bag! Just want you to know there are a LOT of people here at work rooting for you and it's great to see all the Ploutz Power bracelets around our work family wrists! Looks like you're getting some outstanding professional care and lots of good advice on getting thru the the chemo process. Hope you have a wonderful sunny time in AZ. Great pix of the kids in the leaves!!!


  11. Hi Leah,
    I would like to come visit you soon with a few future babysitters that might be able to help you out during your adventure. When you are feeling up to it let me know. I just thought if I brought a few of my girls with me they could interact with the kids while you were there and you could get comfortable with them. See you later fashionesta!


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