
Thursday, November 1, 2012


I did end up venturing out to go trick or treating with my kiddos. Here are a few pictures from last night. Elly did Drew's make up and I think she did a great job. Drew was not willing to wear his dog ears so Elly wore them for a photo op, and once he discovered his tail he ripped it right off!


  1. ADORABLE!!!! I LOVE that Elly did Drew's make-up :D

  2. Glad you were able to get out and have fun on Halloween! The kids look adorable! Where did you end of finding Drew's costume? Last I spoke to you, you were on the hunt for a doggie costume. Love, Jackie

  3. OMG.....very very funny!!! and they look soooo adaorable!!!
    I'm glad you went out with them Leah :)

  4. I love Elly's growling/purring face!

    Drew looks like he is getting so big!!!

    Really glad you could go :)

  5. Adorable Leah!!! So glad you were able to go out with them!!!

  6. Love the costumes! Hope you all had a great time. :)

  7. I think Drew will allow Elly to do anything to him! You can just tell how much he loves his big sister. Glad you had fun!

  8. They are SO cute!! I am so glad you got to get out with them!

  9. They look adorable!! Thanks for sharing and I hope you are feeling energized from the outing!

  10. They look really cute! I'm glad you got to go out with them.

  11. Such adorable costumes! I think those heavy costumes are the way to go! Keep the kids warm and such.....those skimpy ones kids wear these days just have to be covered up by heavy winter coats! Glad you had a great time!
